Making the most of your ESG efforts

Are your stakeholders asking for insight into your environmental, social and governance (ESG) efforts?

Have you been caught off guard by ratings agencies’ scorecards?

Do you need advice on how to put a communications plan in place that supports sustainability?

Are you confused about the options available to you for “reporting”?

As evidenced by the trillions of dollars invested by SRIs in sustainability-grounded companies, the growing number of conferences dedicated to environmental, social and governance (ESG) models, the efforts that HR departments are taking to attract and engage with a more diverse workforce, and the ESG scorecards that investors and issuers alike are studying to make improvements for themselves and their stakeholders, business strategies that are grounded in purpose and aim to create value by protecting core assets (people, planet, places, etc.) are prized and sought after for their sustainable value propositions for all.

And yet, like a tree that falls in the forest, a company’s efforts towards sustainability are meaningless, unless they are clearly communicated across corporate channels for stakeholders to understand and engage with. No company is too small, too big, too successful or irrelevant to ignore the calling to share its story, especially with respect to material aspects of its business.

Whether it is through an annual report, policy paper, a brochure, a factsheet or proxy statement, a dedicated website or an indexed report, providing clear insight into what makes your company the employer, investment, supplier, retailer or partner of choice within your industry will be key to your success going forward.

Curran & Connors has been telling companies’ stories for more than 53 years. Let us help you get the conversation started. If you have any questions, please email us at

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